We only get about 120 days of summer. These are the 120 days of sun and warmth ، And the late sunset ، It is a special time of the year that invites all of us to pay attention to the health of our bodies, get rid of excessive obesity and get a toned, taut body free of grease and moisture
Here are some tips on how to practice personal care during the summer:
1- لا تنس شرب الكثير من الماء لتعويض ماتخسره أثناء ممارسة التمارين مرتدياً أحزمة سويت سوات المحفزة للتعرق. ولتتجنب جفاف البشرة
كما يمكن أن يساعد فيتوسيراميدس في دعم ترطيب البشرة وتقليل علامات احمرار الجلد أو حكة الجلد.
و قد يكون الكولاجين مكملاً رائعا للبشرة على مدار العام-ولكن خاصة خلال أشهر الصيف،
للمزيد من المعلومات عن تأثير شرب الماء عليك الاطلاع على المقال التالي:
2-Protect Yourself From The Sun.
Summer days are characterized by their length and driven by the desire to take a walk and breathe the fresh air, but please، Protect yourself from sunlight.
Therefore, do not forget to check out the collection of distinctive Sweet Sweat hats available in many summer colors
#- Sweatshirt half mesh hats with decent appearance and thoughtful design to give a sense of coolness
# – Classic Sweet Sweat hats
#-قبعات سويت سوات ذات المشبك الحديدي لسهولة تعديل مقاسها
Now that it’s summer-why not enjoy the outdoors, do yoga or play tennis in the park، Or swim in the pool ، Or go for a walk ، Or a kayaking experience ، Or even exercise in the fresh air.
‘If you decide to exercise outdoors in the garden of your house, you will need Sweet Sweat carpets in two colors
– To get the maximum benefit from exercise and to use the summer to build a harmonious healthy body, you need to take advantage of the Sunset collection offer from Sweet Sweat
Which contains a sweat-inducing gel + the original Sweet Sweat thermal belly band in its distinctive neon colors